Castle of Usson (
Castèl de Usson)
Upstream from Axat in the Aude
Gorge, carved out of the foothills of the the high Pyrenees,
is the little known castle of Usson. It dates from the eleventh
century (perhaps earlier) and during the Cathar
period marked the eastern boundary of the territories of the Counts
of Foix.
In the twelfth century this was the capital of the Donezan region.
Before the Défilé was cut through the mountains to
link Quillan to Axat, this was an inaccessible outpost providing
succour for faidits and other persecuted Cathars. The Cathar
bishop of Toulouse Guilhabert de Castres is known to have taken
refuge here.
See sepate sections below on:
Address / Maps
/ Location
James McDonald
Tel from the US: 010 33 468 201142
Tel from the UK: 01 33 468 201142
Tel from France: 0468 201142
Tel other: + 33 468 201142
e-mail castlesandmanorhouses@gmail.com
Google Maps
Small scale map showing the location of Château d'Usson |
Google map showing the location of Château d'Usson |
Large scale map showing Château d'Usson |
present ruins are impressive, as is their location, untouched so-far
by the Cathar tourist industry. Take the D25 from Axat towards
Ax-les-Thermes. It is open to the public 10am-1pm and 3-7pm daily
in July and August, weekends only in September, October and November.
Not far away is the Château of Donezan, where Cathars were
still holding out eleven years after the fall of the Château
of Montségur.
Usson lies in the Ariège south of the département
of the Aude on the river
of the same name. It is situated at 920 meters in height and
dominates the valley of the Aude. Puilaurens
is 30 kms way, Puivert
49 kms and Quéribus
60 kms.
Information: Château d'Usson: 04 68 20 43 92;
Office du tourisme: 04 68 20 41 37
address 09460 Rouze.
1226 Bernard, the Lord of Usson paid nominal homage to the King
of France, but his sympathies still lay with the Cathars.
the end of the wars against the Cathars this was one of their last
sanctuaries, providing support for the Château
of Montségur (
The seigneurs of Usson, Bernard d'Alion and his brother Arnaud d'Usson
sent arms and supplies to their besieged comrades there. On
15th March 1244, the day before 225 Cathar Parfaits were burned
alive at Montségur,
four other Parfaits left the castle there for Usson, where the Cathar
treasure had been evacuated a few months earlier. What this
treasure was, and what happened to it, no-one knows. This
mystery has fed a number of fantasies about the equally mysterious
treasure supposedly found at Rennes-le-Château
in the nineteenth century.
d'Alion was burned alive at Perpignan
in 1258. The castle was rebuilt as a French border fortress, and
given by Louis XIV to the new Marquis d'Usson.
Like other seigniorial residences it was sold as communal property
at the French Revolution, after which time it was used as a stone
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Cathar Origins, History, Beliefs.
The Crusade, The Inquisition, and Consequences
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