Castle of Montségur (
Castèl de Montsegùr)
The Château de Montségur is probably the best known
of all Cathar Castles. It is famous as the last Cathar stronghold,
which fell after a 10 month siege in 1244. A field below the hilltop
castle is reputed to be the site where over 200 Cathars were burned
alive, having refused to renounce their faith.
A building on this site sheltered a community of Cathar women
at the end of the twelfth century. Early in the thirteenth, Raymond
de Pereille the co-seigneur and Chatelain, was asked to make it
defensible, anticipating the problems to come.
The present ruin is open to the public, as is a museum in the nearby
modern village of Montségur. There is an entrance fee for
See separate sections below on:
Address / Maps
/ Location
The Château de Montségur
James McDonald
Tel from the US: 010 33 468 201142
Tel from the UK: 01 33 468 201142
Tel from France: 0468 201142
Tel other: + 33 468 201142
e-mail castlesandmanorhouses@gmail.com
Google Maps
Small scale map showing the location of Château de Montségur |
Google map showing the location of Château de Montségur |
Large scale map showing Château de Montségur |
Montségur is in the Ariege, in the foothills of the Pyrenees,
not far from Lavelanet, due South from Mirepoix.
Montségur lies at 42°52'35" N, 1°49'51"
E on a pog (a volcanic pluton) at an altitude of 1,207 meters. The
castle is owned by the Commune of Montségur. There is an
entrance fee, which also covers entry to a museum in the nearby
Guided Tours
Cathar Castle Tours
Mairie: mairie.montsegur@wanadoo.fr
Tel: 05 61 0110 27
Tourist Information Office:
Tel: 05 61 03 03 03

aerial view of Montségur
History of Montsegur
earliest signs of human settlement in the Montsegur area date to
the stone age, around 80,000 years ago. It was also occupied by
the Romans. Evidence of Roman occupation, including Roman currency
and tools have been found around the site. The Occitan name Montsegùr
(French Montségur) comes from Occitan mont ségur (Latin
mons securus) which means "safe hill". In the Middle
Ages the Montsegur region was ruled by the Counts of Toulouse, the
Viscounts of Carcassonne and finally the Counts of Foix. Little
is known about the fortification until the time of the Albigensian
Crusade. Archaeologists call this early castle Montsegur I.
The name in French is spelled Montségur, and in Occitan,
In the early thirteenth century the lordship of Montsegur was shared
between two cousins, Raymond de Péreille and Pierre-Roger
de Mirepoix. In about 1204, Raymond de Péreille decided to
rebuild the castle, which had been in ruins for 40 years or more.
This as a prescient act in view of the Crusade launched against
the people of the Languedoc just a few years later. Rebuilt, the
castle became a centre of Cathar activities, and home to Guilhabert
de Castres, a Cathar bishop. This castle is known to archaeologists
as Montsegur II and has the strongest claim of any castle to the
title "Cathar Castle".
In the first half of the thirteenth century, the fortress at Montsegur
was the object of four sieges. The first in 1212, led by Guy de
Montfort, brother of Simon IV de Montfort was unsuccessful, as was
the second in 1213, led by Simon IV de Montfort himself.
In 1215 , the Lateran Council cited the fortress at Montsegur as
a den of heretics. It became a refuge for dispossessed Cathar families
("faidits") seeking shelter from the depredations of the
Catholic Crusaders. The role as a shelter for faidits from the Cathar
Church grew in 1229 following the Treaty of Meaux-Paris under which
more Occitan nobles were dispossessed, including Pierre-Roger de
Mirepoix, cousin of Raymond Péreille, who became the military
commander of Montsegur.
In 1233 Montsegur became "the seat and head" (domicilium
et caput) of the Cathar church. It provided a refugee for more"faidits"
- lords who had been stripped of their lands and goods by the Roman
Church. These faidits, counterparts of the more recent maquis, continued
to wage a guerilla war against the invaders.
Montségur housed about 500 persons within the castle precincts
and in the adjacent village perched on the mountainside.
Under pressure to comply with the requirements of the Church, Raymond
VII made a token attempt to capture Montségur in July 1241
- apparently to demonstrate his orthodoxy to the King of France.
This was the third unsuccessful siege of Montsegur since 1212.
1242 a putative uprising was organised as part of a co-ordinated
plan against Louis IX of France agreed by Henry
III, King of England. The Holy Roman Emperor, The King of Aragon
VII the Count of Toulouse, the Count of Foix, and the dispossessed
Viscount of Carcassonne. For various reasons the whole enterprise
fizzled out, and almost the only notable achievement was a raid
by 50 or so warriors from Montsegur who killed two inquisitors,
William Arnald and Stephen de Saint-Thibéry, along with their
retinue, at Avignonet on 28 May, 1242.
Following the massacre at Avignonet,
the Council of Béziers
in 1243 decided to destroy the last vestiges of Catharism. The Cathar
sympathisers responsible for killing the Inquisitors at Avignonet
were known to have come from Montségur. The Council therefore
decided to "cut off the head of the dragon" by which they meant
to take the château at Montsegur, the last remaining major
centre of Cathar belief. The château, perched on top of a
majestic hill (called a pog), had already been reinforced.
May 1243, a year after the Massacre at Avignonet, Montsegur was
besieged by a fourth time, on this occasion by Pierre Amiel the
Archbishop of Narbonne, and Hughes des Arcis, Seneschal of Carcassonne
for the King
of France. Together they represented the Pope and the French
King joining forces once again to eliminate heretics.
Hugues Des Arcis led about 10,000 royal troops against Montsegur
which was held by about 200 faidit fighters. Also inside were around
300 others - around 200 parfaits and parfaites who as pacifists
took no part in the fighting, and 100 or so other refugees, generally
family members (non-Parfait women and children).
The initial strategy was to besiege the castle in expectation that
water and supplies would run out, a strategy that had worked well
for the crusaders at Carcassonne, Minerve and Termes. The defenders
at Montsegur were well supplied and in spite of the presence of
10,000 - 20,000 besiegers, kept their support lines open, supported
by many of the local population. For months, defenders were free
to come and go, allowing reinforcements into the castle.
Throughout the Summer and Autumn, the siege was unsuccessful. Eventually
the French forces decided to attack the castle directly, a difficult
task due to its well protected location high on a massive limestone
rock. After many failures, Basque mercenaries skilled in mountain
climbing, scaled a cliff face on the eastern side of the summit
during the night. The climb had seemed impossible so the position
on top had not even been provided with a look-out. From here it
was possible to haul up further men and weapons - enough to take
the strategically critical nearby post at a tower (French tour,
Occitan tor) at a point known as the Roc de la Tour. From the Roc
de la Tour the French slowly fought their way a mile or so up a
slope towards the castle.
Trebuchet "bullets" being recovered,
By the end of January, under the direction of a Catholic bishop
specialising in war machines, the French were able to construct
trebuchets to bombard the defenders' outer barbican. The defenders
summoned an engineer to build a trebuchet in an attempt to destroy
the attackers' trebuchets, but to no avail. By mid February the
French had taken the barbican, allegedly facilitated by the treachery
of a local. They now dismantled their trebuchets, reconstructed
them on the barbican, and started to bombard the castle itself.
[Incidentally we know this by piecing together sketchy written records
and physical surviving evidence - trebuchet stones and crossbow
quarrels, and even some skeletons]. Meanwhile, the refugees living
in houses outside the walls of the castle were forced to move inside,
making living conditions even more difficult.
Two weeks later the crusaders made an attack which only just failed.
The defenders accepted that their position was impossible. The two
Lords of Montsegur, Pierre-Roger de Mirepoix and Raymond de Péreille
negotiated the surrender with the French maréchal Guy de
Lévis (who would become the new Lord of Montsegur after its
rendition). They surrendered on 2 March 1244 having negotiated a
truce of two weeks, after which the Parfaits
would have to abjure their faith or burn alive. During this two
week truce, two to four perfects (sources disagree about the number)
escaped over the castle walls, taking with them the Cathar "treasure".
Nothing more is known about the nature of this treasure, a lacuna
that has been filled by a large amount of fanciful speculation,
mainly on the part of mystics whose knowledge of Catharism is less
than comprehensive.
For the perfects at Montsegur, these last two weeks were spent
praying and fasting. A number of the garrison and others decided
to join the ranks of the 200 or so perfects, and received their
Consolamentum on 13th March, bringing the total number of Cathar
believers destined to burn to around 225. The most moving part of
later Inquisition records about this period recount the parfaites
giving away their personal possessions to their non-parfait friends
and relatives - clothing, jewellery, spices and so on.
At the end of the two-week truce, all those trapped in the castle
were allowed to leave except those who would not adopt the Catholic
faith, which, as at other defeated Cathar strongholds, meant all
of the Perfects. On 16 March all of the parfaits, led by Bishop
Bertrand Marty, left the castle and went down to a field where a
pyre had been erected. There were too many victims for individual
stakes so a pen had been built with piles of firewood inside. The
perfects mounted the pyre and perished, passing, according to one
Catholic source, from the flames of this world directly to the flames
of the next. The nobles among the victims were all related to each
other. They included three generations of the seigneural family
- grandmother, mother and daughter. As always on such occasions,
churchmen song hymns of joy and gave thanks to God.
the terms of the surrender, the remainder of the defenders, including
some who had participated in the murder of the inquisitors at Avignonet
two years earlier, were allowed to leave. Among them was Raymond
de Pereille. Like all other survivors he was questioned by the Inquisition
(one reason we know as much as we do about events here).
Catharism continued in the Languedoc for many decades but it had
lost its head and seat, and, under the pressure of the Inquisition,
adherents moved to other places, notably Aragon or what is northern
Italy, where conditions were less oppressive, at least for the time
being. Montsegur II was destroyed and a new French castle, a royal
fortress, was built on the site. This one, known as Montsegur III,
guarded France's new border.
Today's ruins are those of the French border fortress Montsegur
III. Despite this, you may well hear alleged experts on the Cathars
expounding theories not only that the Cathars built this castle,
but that for religious reasons they built it as a solar temple,
in a perfect alignment with the rising sun. - perhaps
a distorted version of the fact that the keep and and one wall are
aligned on a South-east - North-west axis.
At the base of the mountain, in the "Prat dels Cremats"
("Field of the Burned" in Occitan) a modern stele commemorates
the death of the victims. It is inscribed "Als catars, als
martirs del pur amor crestian. 16 de març 1244" (Occitan
for "The Cathars, martyrs of pure Christian love. March 16th,
Another monument stone by the road reads in French
LE 16 MARS 1244
ON 16th MARCH 1244
The story of the siege of Montségur is one of the most moving
of all the tragedies associated with the war against the Cathars.
Even the most hostile writers were struck by the significance
of events at Montségur, when against expectation the
ranks of the doomed Parfaits
increased during the two weeks' truce.
The Castle has been listed as a monument historique by the French
Ministry of Culture since 1862. The puòg (or pog) on which
it sits was listed in 1883, and archaeological remains and the outer
lines of defence were classified in 1989.
aerial view of Montségur
Montségur courtyard
Montségur stele memorial
view of Montségur
The Massacre of Montsegur
by Forrester Roberts
The De Levis were alleged to represent
the elder branch of the Virgin Mary's family. In an old
painting in the Chateau de Mirepoix, an ancestor is shown
taking off his hat to the Queen of Heaven, as she sits enthroned
in the clouds. "Couvrez-vous, mon cousin," she
says, with the deference due to the head of her family.
"C'est pour ma commodite', ma cousine," he answers,
remaining courteous, but careful not to compromise his dignity.
Raymond de Pereille au cachot, 1960,
by Jacques Fauché,
oil on wood, 73 x 54cm
Raymond de Pereille, Lord of Montségur,
in prison

stele at Montsegur
Reconstruction of Montsegur II
The Siege of Montsegur, 1243-4
The Siege of Montségur refers to the nine-month siege of
the Cathar-held Château de Montségur by French royal
forces starting in May 1243.
Although the Albigensian Crusade had been concluded with the Treaty
of Paris-Meaux in 1229, local resistance continued. The Cathar Church
was still able to operate and oppose the terror of the Inquisition
that pervaded the Languedoc.
In 1233, the Cathar Bishop Guilhabert de Castres asked Raymond
de Pereille for permission to make Montségur "the seat
and head" (domicilium et caput) of the Cathar Church. As a
safe haven for Cathars, Montségur gained symbolic and strategic
importance in the resistance fight against the Catholic Church and
the French forces in subsequent years. In 1241 Raymond VII made
a token attempt to capture Montségur, possibly to impress
the King and the Catholic Church. At that time Montségur
housed about 500 people.
In May 1243 the seneschal Hugues des Arcis led the military command
of about 10,000 royal troops against the castle that was held by
about 100 fighters and was home to perfecti (who as pacifists did
not participate in combat) and civilian refugees. Many of these
refugees were Cathar credentes who lived in houses outside the castle
but within the castrum on the mountain. The initial strategy was
to besiege the castle in expectation that water or supplies would
run out, a strategy that had worked for the crusaders before. The
defenders were well supplied and able to keep their support lines
open, supported by the local population; some reinforcements even
arrived to supplement the defence. Eventually it was decided to
attack the place directly, a difficult task due to its well protected
location high on a massive limestone rock. After many failures,
mercenaries were able to secure a location on the eastern side of
the summit across a depression which allowed the construction of
a catapult. This forced refugees living outside the walls of the
castle to move inside, making living conditions more difficult.
Apparently by treachery, a passage was found to gain access to the
barbican, which was conquered in March 1244. The trebuchet was moved
now closer and the living situation inside deteriorated under the
day-and-night bombardment. When an attempt by the garrison failed
to dislodge the invaders from the barbican, the defenders gave the
signal that they had decided to negotiate for surrender.
Surrender conditions were quickly decided on: All the people in
the castle were allowed to leave except those who would not renounce
their Cathar faith, primarily the perfecti. A two-week truce was
declared. A number of defenders decided to join the existing perfecti
and received their Consolamentum bringing the total number of Cathar
believers destined to burn to around 215.
On March 16, led by Bishop Bertrand Marty, the group left the castle
and went down to the place where the wood for the pyre had been
erected. No stakes were needed: they entered a purpose-built staked
enclosure and perished in the flames.
The remainder of the defenders, including those who had participated
in the murder of the inquisitors, were allowed to leave, among them
Raymond de Pereille who was later, like others subjected to the
Catharism continued in the Languedoc for many decades but it had
lost its organisation, and, under the pressure of the Inquisition,
adherents if not captured moved to other places, such as Spain and
Italy, where conditions were less oppressive. Montsegur Castle was
destroyed; today's ruins are a remnant of the French border fortress
of a later time.
The site is spectacular, and well worth a visit, but information
is a bit thin at the site.
to note:
- Not all castles had drawbridges. Montségur, like many
others, had an external doorway far off the ground, with a wooden
access ramp that could be removed or destroyed whenever a siege
threatened. (See modern counterpart to the right)
- Go through the postern gate and turn left. You can see the foundations
of some Cathar buildings (the original village of Montségur)
behind the present castle. These are the houses that had to be
evacuated after the Crusaders took the barbican. If
you look carefully you can see the vestiges of staircases between
the different levels.
- If you carry on anticlockwise with the castle walls on your
left, you can get to the donjon (keep) from the outside.
- .A single loophole (arrow slit) in the wall of the donjon, covers
the courtyard.
- From the castle walls you can see the modern village of Montségur
miles below.
- You can just see the castles at Puivert
and Roquefixade
from the keep if you know where to look.
- At the bottom of the pog on which the Castle sat is a monument
next to the field where 225 Parfait were burned alive.
Some architectural researchers have claimed that the dimensions
of the present castle ruins demonstrate that it was designed on
the basis of the English rod (canne Anglaise) which is consistent
with it have been rebuilt by the family of the new lord of the manor
after 1244, the Guy II de Lévis, Marshal of the Faith.
The French have a word for the act of burning people alive - they
call it a Bûché. There is no exact counterpart in English.
The nearest we have is burn at the stake. You may see the
word translated in some literature as massacre or occasionally
left as bûché in English translations.
visitors take flowers, usually red and yellow, the colours of Aragon,
of Toulouse
and of Foix,
to whom the victims all owed their allegiance.
plan of Montségur
You can join small exclusive guided tours of Cathar Castles
led by an English speaking expert on the Cathars
who lives in the Languedoc
(author of www.cathar.info)
Selected Cathar Castles. Accommodation provided. Transport
Cathar Origins, History, Beliefs.
The Crusade, The Inquisition, and Consequences
the Cathar Tours Website for more information
Illustration of what Montségur II
might have looked like
The Château de Montségur, the
cliff facing is the one scaled by mercenaries in 1243

Illustration of what Montségur II
might have looked like
Model of what Montségur II might have
looked like
Memorial stele at Montségur - The
crosses and pentangles are modern fantasy
Climbing the pog at Montségur
Memorial Stone at Montségur.
Memorial Stone at Montségur. It reads,
in French
ON 16th MARCH 1244
Montségur from the East - an usual
angle. Most tourists do not visit the barbican.
Montségur - plan view
Museum at Montségur
Montségur - Dawn through the arrow
Montségur - Sunrise on 18 June
Model of what Montségur II might have
looked like
Illustration of the successful siege of Montségur
in 1244
Illustration of the successful siege of Montségur
in 1244
Illustration of the successful siege of Montségur
In 1244
Illustration of the successful siege of Montségur
In 1244
Museum at Montségur
Montségur on the walking route, Route
of the Cathars, GR 107
Montségur on a Sentier Cathare (a
Cathar track)
Another Illustration of what Montségur
II might have looked like
Montségur, Chateau and modern village,
from the air
Museum at Montségur
Museum at Montségur
Montségur, Chateau and modern village,
from the air
Reconstruction of Montsegur II
Reconstruction of Montsegur III
Reconstruction of Montsegur II
Reconstruction of Montsegur II
Reconstruction of Montsegur III
Un 16 mars à Montségur (One
16 March at Montsegur)
by Hervé Olivier, Oil on Wood.
by Hervé Olivier, Oil on Wood.
Le Bûcher de Montségur, 1960,
by Jacques Fauché, oil on wood, 118 x 75cm
Crusaders (or Dominicans ?) on the left supervise
the burning of Cathar Parfaits on the right.
White doves represent the Holy Spirit leaving the Cathars
as they die.
The pog of Montségur is shown in the
Accommodation at Montségur
Camping overnight at the site of the castle is forbidden. There
are however places to stay in the nearby village of Montsegur, and
nearby. Among them are
La Taillade
de Montségur: High quality chalets, built on spacious
plots, bordered by shrubs and trees to maintain privacy, and integrated
with the landscape, combining the freedom of camping with the comforts
of a holiday cottage.
Montsegur - the Story Game
tragedy at Montsegur is remembered today in many ways. One of them
is a story game invented by Frederik J. Jensen, called "Montsegur
The game is based on the events from the start of the Seneschal's
siege, and introduces real historical characters such as Joudain
du Mas. It also gives a good introduction to Cathar belief.
For more, visit http://thoughtfulgames.com/
Cathars Surrendered to the Crusaders at Montsegur in 1244
On 16th March ,1244, the besieged refugees at the Château
of Montsegur who refused to abjure the Cathar faith were burned
en masse at the foot of the pog. Around 25 had taken the the Consolamentum
three days previously, so becoming Parfaits or Parfaites, and knowing
that this sealed their fates. They are regarded as martyrs by modern
Gnostic Churches.
Sources differ on the the number of victims. The Chronique de Guillaume
de Puylaurens, gives the number as 200; the Chronique de l'Abbaye
de Berdoues, states 205; The Chronique de St-Paul de Narbonne 215;
and Gerard de Frachet 224. These chronicals do not attempt to list
all the victims, so historians have had to piece together a partial
list, mainly from Inquisition records.
As far as I am aware, sixty-three individuals have so far been
identified by name. The names of those who received the Consolamentum
on the night of 13th March 1244 are marked with a .
Perfect at Tarascon-sur-Ariège in 1204. Ordained Older
Son of the Bishop of the Razès (Benoit de Termes) at
the Council of Pieusse in 1226. Succeeeded to the bishopric
in 1229. Present at the Château of Montsegur from 1234.
Conferred the Consolamentum along with Bertrand Marty on 13
March 1244.
Guilleme AICARD
Resident at the Château of Montsegur from 1236 with
her Husband Arnaud, and three children (Pier, Guiraude and
Guilhem) . Possibly related to Amiel Aicart or Raymond Aicart
aka Raymond Monic.
Pons AÏS
Believer at Moissac around 1214. Present at the Château
of Montsegur from the start of the siege, where he was a miller
as well as a Perfect.
Pierre ARAU
Known only at Montsegur
From Auvezines near Mongey
Raymonde BARBE
from Mas Saintes-Puelles, wife of Guilhem-Piere Barbe jr,
daughter of Na Rica del Mas Saintes-Puelles, sister of
Raymond del Mas (aka Raymond de Na Rica) and of Germain
(Catholic curé & "heretic".)
Raymond de BELVIS
Crossbowman in the service of Arnaud, Seigneur of Usson.
Arrived at the Château of Montségur around May-June
1243 with Imbert de Salles, as reinforcements.
* |
Arnaud de BENSA
From Bensa, Lavelanet, sergeant, wounded end of February
1244, * received the Consolamentum
March 4.
the Consolamentum at Montsegur at an unknown date after
October 1243
Dispossesed knight from Caihavel. Present at the Château
of Montségur from 1236.
from Gaja. parfait arrived at the Château
of Montségur around 1242 with his son, a sergeant.
Guidraude de CARAMAN
Arnaud Des CASSES
Knight and seigneur of Les Casses. A believer since
1220 and a parfait before 1243.
a Parfait
Present at the siege. Around 13 March 1244 is named
as having transferred Church treasury into the custody of
Pierre-Roger de Mirepoix.
Jean de COMBEL
a Parfait
Knight from Laurac. Believed to have accepted Consolamentum
during the truce.
Saissa de CONGOST
From the seigneural family at Puivert.
from 1240. Householder on Montségur.
Raymonde de CUQ
Sister or cousin of Berenger, the seigneur of Lavelanet.
parfaite at Lauran in 1230. Lived with Corba
de Pereille at the Château of Montségur.
Guillaume DEJEAN
parfait from Tarabel, ordained deacon at the Château
of Montségur.
Guillaume DELPECH
Sergeant. Arrived to reinforce the Château of
Montségur May 21, 1243.
of Laroque d'Olmes. Sergeant residing at Montségur
since since 1236 with his wife.
wife of Sergeant Arnaud Domergue.
Rixende DONAT
of Toulouse. parfaite.
A Lady from the Lahille branch of Fanjeaux. parfaite
in 1227 and householder at Montségur.
Guillaume GARNIER
Cow herder from d'Odars near Lanta and a believer since 1230.
Sergeant at the Château of Montségur in 1243.
Arnajud-Raymond GAUTI
knight from Soreze and Durfort. Believer in 1237.
Etienne ISARN
of Casses. At the Château of Montségur
with his brother.
Raymond ISARN
brother of Etienne.
Guillaume d'ISSUS
a Parfait
knight and co-seigneur of Montgaillard in Lauragais.
Believer in 1230. Present at the Château of Montségur
since 1243 and reported "burned."
a Parfait
Condemned by the Inquisition in Moisac in 1233 and escaped
to the Château of Montségur.
Bruna de LAHILLE
sister of Guillaume. Believer in 1234. parfaite
at Montségur in 1240
Guillaume de LAHILLE
Dispossessed knight from Laurac. Defender of Castelnaudary
against Amaury de Montfort in 1219-1220. At the Château
of Montségur from 1240. One of the leaders of
the massacre of the Inquisitors at Avignonet.
Seriously wounded 26 February 1244.
???? LIMOS
Presumably from Limos ( Limoux)
Raymond de MARSEILLAN.
Dispossessed knight from Laurac. Believer in 1232.
Bertrand MARTY
at Toulouse
From Tarabel. Head of the Cathar Church at the time of the
seige. Known to be at the Château of Montségur
in 1232 and reported "burnt with all the others."
Guillelme MARTY
From Montferrier. Baker at Montségur
Pierre du MAS
From Mas Saintes-Puelles, parfait in 1229 and reported
present at the Montségur in March 1244. Assumed
to be among those executed.
Related to Arnaud-Roger de Mirepoix. Believer in 1227,
and received the Consolamentum
during a grave illness in 1229 at Limoux.
Arrived as a parfaite at the Château of Montségur
in 1240. (A type of rose, a deep pink Hybrid Gallica is named
after Braida de Montserver)
Wife of sergeant Pons NARBONA.
Guillaume NARBONA
Squire to Raymond de Marseillan, and brother of Pons Narbona.
of Carol and Cerdagne. Sergeant.
Raymond de NIORT
parfaite from Belesta. Arrived clandestinely
at the Château of Montségur in October 1243 with
a letter from the Cathars of Cremona in Italy.
Arnauld d'ORLHAC
from Lavaur.
Wife of Raymond de Pereille. Mother of Esclarmonde
de PEREILLE. Daughter of Marquésia HUNAUD de LANTA
Esclarmonde de PEREILLE
Daughter of Raymond and Corba de Pereille. Granddaughter
of Marquésia HUNAUD de LANTA
Arrived at the Montségur in 1237.
Guillaume PEYRE
Sergeant, agent of Raymond de Pareille. With CLAMENS,
consigned the Cathar treasury at the Château of Montségur
to Pierre-Roger Mirepoix on March 13, 1244.
Guillaume RAOU
From Bram.
Captured at the Château of Montségur and returned
for execution by fire at Bram.
Jean REY
From Saint-Paul-Cap-de-Joux. Courier. Arrived at the
Château of Montségur on January 1, 1244, bearing
a letters from the Cathars of Cremona.
Merchant from Mirepoix. Believer since 1209 - arrived
at Montségur 1236.
Assisted in the Consolamentum
of Raymond de Ventenac, mortally wounded in 1243. Possibly
the same as the other Pierre ROBERT from Miropoix
Brother of sergeant Bernard de Joucou and uncle of the Narbona
brothers. Believer in Lavelanet in 1232 and a parfait
at Montségur in 1240.
Dispossessed knight from Laurac. One of the leaders of the
massacre of the Inquisitors at Avignonet.
Believed to have received the Consolamentum
with the knights Guillaume de Lahill and Brezihac
de Cailhavel.
assistant to Cathar Bishop Bertrand Marty.
Rixende de TELLE (or TEILH).
Mother superior of the Parfaites
at Montségur during the siege.
Arnaud TEULY
from Limoux.
Arrived at the Montségur before February 14, 1244.
Marquésia HUNAUD de LANTA
nee Marquésia de Fourquevaux. Believer since 1224
and ordained a Parfaite
at the Château of Montségur in 1234. She was
the mother of Corba who married Raymond de Pereille, and the
mother (inter alia) of Esclarmonde. Marquésia, Corba
and Esclarmonde - grandmother, mother and daughter all died
together on 16 March 1244.
Ermengarde d'USSAT
Believer at Montségur from 1240.
Montsegur in Popular Culture
An excellent book about the Cathars is Massacre At Montsegur: A
History Of The Albigensian Crusade by Zoe Oldenbourg - which is
good history, and well written.
For more good books, and reviews of them, click
If you prefer fiction you might be interested in some of the following.
None of these represents reliable history, and some are pure fantasy.
- Gérard Bavoux, Le Porteur de lumière, Pygmalion,
- Henri Gougaud, L'Expédition, Éditions du Seuil,
- Michel Peyramaure, La Passion cathare, Robert Laffont, 1999
- In Peter Berling's pentalogy The Children of the Grail
and in Julia Navarro's La sangre de los innocentes, the
siege of Montségur is described.
- In Dan McNeil's novel The Judas Apocalypse, set just
after the landings at Normandy during the Second World War, a
German archaeologist and a group of American soldiers go looking
for Cathar treasure removed from Montségur.
- Antoine, Pierre, Marie, duc de Lévis Mirepoix, Montségur,
Albin Michel, 1924
- Sylvie Miller & Philippe Ward's novel The Song of Montségur
(Le Chant de Montségur, 2001) .
- Kathleen McGowan's novel The Expected One incorporates
the story of the Siege of Montsegur.
- Kate Mosse's novel, Labyrinth also describes the besieging
of the Cathars at Montsegur.
- E. D. deBirmingham's novel, Siege Perilous revolves around
the Siege of Montsegur
- Hervé Gagnon, Damné, Hurtubise, 2010, France-Loisirs,
Iron Maiden published a song titled "Montségur"
on their 2003 album Dance of Death - see below
German thrash metal band Paradox's album Heresy deals with
the persecution of the Cathars.
The Era albums allude to the history of the Cathars, and the first
album mentions Montségur on its cover.
Below are the lyrics of a song by Iron Maiden called Montségur
(from the Dance of Death album) inspired by Bruce Dickinson's holiday
stay near Montségur.
I stand alone in this desolate space. In death they are truly
Massacred innocence, evil took place. The angels were burning
Centuries later I wonder why. What secret that they took to their
Still burning heretics under our skies. Religion still burning
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the
stones of the citadel.
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones
of the citadel.
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones
of the citadel.
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones
of the citadel.
As we kill them all so god will know his own. The innocents died
for the pope on his throne.
Catholic greed and its paranoid zeal. Curse of the grail and the
blood of the cross.
Templar believers with blood on their hands. Joined in the chorus
to kill on command.
Burned at the stake for their soul's liberty. To stand with the
Cathars to die and be free.
The book of old testament crippled and black. Satan his weapon
is lust.
Living this evil damnation of flesh, back to the torture of life.
The perfect would willingly have died at the stake and all of
their followers slain.
As for the knowledge of god they had claimed. Religion still burning
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the
stones of the citadel.
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones
of the citadel.
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones
of the citadel.
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones
of the citadel.
As we kill them all so god know his own. The innocents died for
the pope on his throne.
Catholic greed and its paranoid zeal. Curse of the grail and the
blood of the cross.
Templar believers with blood on their hands. Joined in the chorus
to kill on command.
Burned at the stake for their soul's liberty. Still burning heretics
under our skies.
As we kill them all so God WILL know his own. Laugh at the darkness
and in God we trust.
The eye of the triangle smiling with sin. No Passover feast for
the curse of within.
Facing the sun as they went to their grave. Burn like a dog or
you live like a slave.
Death is the price for your soul's liberty. To stand with the
Cathars and to die and be free.
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the
stones of the citadel.
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones
of the citadel.
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones
of the citadel.
At the gates and the walls of Montségur. Blood on the stones
of the citadel.
Some useful positions
The keep: N 42.875998, E 1.832820
Vestiges of the barbican: N 42.87545, E 1.83389
Position where the Basques scaled the sheer cliff face: N 42.878286,
E 1.840318