Château de Saint Pierre, Fenouillet
Castèl de Fenolhet)
The Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet is a ruined castle
in the village of Fenouillet, Pyrénées-Orientales,
Languedoc-Roussillon It is also known as The Château de Fenouillet,
or the Château Saint-Pierre. In Catalan it is the Castèl
de Sant Pèire - Fenolhet, capitala de Fenolhedés (capital
of the Fenouilles).
In the Middle Ages, the Château Saint-Pierre Fenouillet was
the seat of the Viscounts of the area around Fenouillet, known then
and now as the Fenouillides (Fenolheda). The Viscounty was claimed
at various times by the Counts of Carcassonne, Cerdanya, Besalù,
Roussillon, Narbonne and Barcelona.
Fenouillet lay at the centre of important networks, geographic,
military and social. The position controls access to mountain valleys.
The castle here provided a military headquarters most notably during
the Cathar period. The Viscounts of Fenouillet also occupied an
important position, with influence beyond Carcassonne and Barcelona.
It also served as a refuge to faydits, disposed Cathars with nowhere
else to go.
Nearby are two other castles Sabarda and Castel-Fizel, protecting
access to the valley.
See separate sections below on:
Address / Maps
/ Location
Submission to the Count
of Barcelona
The Cathar Period
Submission to the Capetians
James McDonald
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Tel other: + 33 468 201142
e-mail castlesandmanorhouses@gmail.com
Google Maps
Small scale map showing the location of Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet |
Google map showing the location of Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet |
Large scale map showing Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet |
The Fenouillet Valley opens into a communication network of mountain
routes, used since time immemorial, linking the eastern part of
the Roussillon and Cerdanya with the upper valley of the Aude.
The site on which the castle is built is easily defended. It stands
on a huge spur facing the north, rising to 530 meters above sea
level and bordered by two rivers.
This position has prompted humans to settle there since the earliest
times (proto-historic and ancient times).
The modern village consists of a series of hamlets, as it has since
the twelfth century .
The Castle of St. Peter which dominates the landscape, is framed
by two advanced fortresses, Castel Fizel to the north and Sabarda
to the south .
The village name in French
The village name in Occitan
The first known mention of a territory named Fenouillides (Fenolheda)
is in a text of 842 by which Charles, King of France gives a freehold
to , more villages (cities rural ) in the Corbieres and Fenouilliet
(pagus Fenulems) to one of his faithful followers, called Milo.
The Fenouilledes, is sometimes referred to as pagus, sometimes
as comitatus.
Milo's successors, the counts of the Razès made their capital
Rhaeda (modern Rennes-le-Château ). In 863-864 the County
of the Razès came into the possession of the Counts of Carcassonne.
The Fenouilles (Fenolheda) passed in the late ninth century to
the house of Cerdanya. There are mentions at this time of a castle
of Fenouillet and a court of the Fenouilledes.
Submission to the Count of Barcelona
The vast domains of the counts of Cerdanya was subsequently divided
between two branches of the family: the Count of Cerdanya and the
Count of Besalù. The Fenouilledes becomes a viscounty within
that territory of the Count of Besalù. There now appears
a line of Viscounts of the Fenouilledes, administering a large territory
and residing on the site. The viscounts significantly altered the
appearance of the buildings on the headland. On the upper part a
new residential complex was built. A keep and protective wall crowned
the upper part of the site, surrounded by the village.
In 1109 tensions arose between the families of Cerdanya and Barcelona.
The Count of Besalù had bequeathed all his land to the Count
of Barcelona. The Count of Cerdanya now claimed the lands of Fenouilledes
and besieged the main strongholds of the viscounty. Guillaume Pierre,
Viscount of Fenouillet, paid tribute for his castle. In a text of
1109 we find the first mention of the castle Sabarda (a watch tower
to the south of Fenouillet). In 1111, a compromise was reached between
the two houses the Count of Cerdanya and the Count of Barcelona,
with the result that the Count of Barcelona recovered his legacy,
the Fenouilledes. It is to him that Viscounts would now pay homage.
In 1173, Arnaud, Viscount de Fenouillet, wrote his will. Presumably
he thought that he would die childless, because he designated as
his heir a nephew, Berenger of the Corbieres. This will was not
enforced because of the birth of a posthumous daughter, Ava de Fenouillet.
She later married Bertrand de Saissac, a nobleman from a powerful
family based far to the north, at Saissac in the Black Mountains.
Bernard now took the title of Viscount de Fenouillet.
A9 on the way up to Fenouillet
Church Wall, chateau atSaint-Pierre de
The Cathar Period
In the twelfth century, Bertrand de Saissac, Viscount de Fenouillet,
was one of the major vassals of the Viscount of Carcassonne. Bernard
is known for his Cathar beliefs, and his dislike of the Catholic
Church. It is likely that the first Cathar preachers came to Fenouillet
around this time.
At the beginning of the thirteenth century Toulouse , Foix and
Carcassonne, became targets of the crusade against the Cathars.
Fenolheda was not the theatre of military operations, but it was
enmeshed in irreversible political and territorial changes. Bertrand
de Saissac, Viscount de Fenouillet, as a senior vassal of the Trencavels,
Viscounts of Carcassonne, was directly involved in the fight against
the Crusaders. At that time, the viscounts were probably at the
height of their power.
The defeat of the local nobility lead many disposed knights, called
faydits in Occitan, to seek refuge in the Fenouilledes and Perapertusès
. The castles of the local lords at Fenouillet, Montsegur, Puilaurens,
Aguilar and Quéribus, become centres of resistance. It is
in this context that Fenouillet assumed its present configuration.
Submission to the Count of Roussillon
The active involvement of the Viscount and his vassals on the side
of the local nobility entailed serious consequences. Pierre de Fenouillet,
the son of Bernard and Ava, was deprived of his possessions in Narbonne
in 1222. He continued to fight more fiercely fight, especially as
the fortunes of war then turned to the advantage of the Occitan
forces, who crushed the army of Amaury de Montfort, son of Simon
de Montfort.
In 1226, a new crusade swept the southern lands, led by Louis VIII,
King of France. The Count of Roussillon, Nunyo Sancho, now reclaimed
the Fenouilledes and Pérapertusès, with the approval
of the French king.
A violent war then broke out between the Viscount and Count of
Roussillon. After the victory of the French crusaders, confirmed
by the Treaty of Meaux in 1229, the Viscount abandoned the struggle.
He sold his castle at Fenouillet and the Viscounty to Nunyo Sanche,
Count of Roussillon, in recognition of the "extensive damage
and harm" he and his men had committed in the Roussillon. This
approach allowed Peter and his mother Ava to safeguard their rights
and inheritances in Conflent, Cerdanya and Roussillon, allowing
them to retire to safety.
In 1236, Sancho Nunyo took part in the campaign in Valencia, in
the army of the King of Aragon. Pierre de Fenouillet with his vassals
and allies from the Pérapertuses took advantage of his absence
to resume their military activities. The viscount, Pierre de Fenouillet,
then took an active part in the last two major Occitan attempts
to shake off their subjugation to the French: the campaign in 1240
by Raymond Trencavel of Carcassonne, to reclaim his inheritance
(Carcassonne, Beziers, Albi, and the Razes); and then the general
insurrection of 1242. The failure of both attempts was the end of
Pierre de Fenouillet's hopes to regain his property. Peter definitively
abandoned the Fenouilledes.
He confirmed allegiance to Aimery, Viscount of Narbonne, and withdrew
to his possessions Roussillon. He died in 1243 in the Templar Commandery
at Mas Deu (east of the town of Trouillas in the Pyrénées
Orientales) leaving a son, Hugh de Saissac.
Cathars continued to live here. Inquisitorial registers record
several witnesses identifying heretical groups in Fenouilledes and
the castrum at Fenouillet, but not before the year 1240. Interrogations
are then directed by the inquisitor Ferrer of Perpignan (residing
sometimes in Limoux and sometimes at the Abbey of Lagrasse).
Imbert de Salles, one of the survivors of Montsegur said "I
saw at Fenouillet, in the house of Bernard du Vivier, the 'parfaites'
Marquèse et Prima. There was Caranac, a leather worker whose
other name I do not know. Peter a textile worker, Peter de Vìlleraze,
Bernard du Vivier and his mother, whose name a do not know, and
Raymond Marti de Fenouillet"
The brothers Arnaud and Beranger de Vivier, lords a nearby castle,
according to this statement had a house in the castrum. They are
repeatedly reported in the company of "heretics" at the
castle of Montsegur and at Roquefeuil-de-Sault. We also learn that,
around 1245, in Fenouillet, Saurine Rigaud the Cathar deacon Desglat
and his companion Arnaud Auvezines give the consolamentum to his
dying son by. In 1246 Pierre Paraire at Quéribus, is the
Cathar deacon of the Fenouilledes
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Bugarach seen from Château Saint-Pierre
de Fenouillet
Arrow loop at the Château Saint-Pierre
de Fenouillet (interior)
Submission to the Capetians
Resistance to the French invaders continued in the Fenouilledes.
under the famous faydit Chabert de Barbaira, which continued until
1255 when Quéribus was lost. In 1257 he relinquished the
Fenouilledes to the King of Aragon. The following year, the treaty
of Corbeil finally brought the Viscounty into the Capetian domain.
Fenouillet and the Fenouilledes were now French possessions.
Hugh de Saissac managed to keep his family alive, despite the loss
of his heritage, through some sort of compromise with the King of
Aragon. In exchange for Hugh giving up two Cathars, Bernard d'Alion
and Bernard Sauto, King Jacques I guarantee to return his land.
The two Cathars were burned in Perpignan. On Pierre's death in 1261,
his wife began a long legal process to recognise the immunity granted
by the sovereign. This resulted in the post-mortem condemnation
of Viscount Pierre, who was accused of having received the Catholic
consolamentum on his deathbed. Peter's bones were exhumed and burned
in 1262. His condemnation involved the automatic confiscation of
his property. Hugh de Saissac began a new legal action, but it would
not succeed. His family were later to flourish in the royal courts
of Majorca and Aragon, with the title of Viscount d'Ille
With the treaty of Corbeil, the Fenouilledes becomes a border area
under the authority of the Viguiers of the Kings of France.
Fenouilledes under French Rule
Castel Fizel was mentioned in 1260, and it seems that the castle
there was enfiefed by the King of France to vassals in 1262. Fenouillet
is mentioned as a royal fortress in 1272, but it was not until 1290
that we find Sabarda as a royal fortress.
From the first half of the fourteenth century the community at
Fenouillet seems to have been confused with the Caudiès which
became the new centre of local power. Only the castle Sabarda continued
to be documented. The Royal take-over of the Castle at Fenouillet
did not apparently lead to any radical changes. Archaeological discoveries
in and around the keep suggest a gradual mutation. There are some
typical elements of the thirteenth century. French royal coins have
been found here. A semi-circular tower whose base can be seen on
the ridge north of the castle has stones characteristic of the royal
architecture. After the destruction of the fortress vicomtale this
tower could have provided a visual link between the castle, Sabarda
and Castel-Fizel .
During the XIII and XIV centuries the castle was completely dismantled.
A ramp, probably intended to facilitate the work of demolition,
was built against the door of the keep.
This abandonment of the main site and the transfer of military
defence to the small nearby castle of Sabarda can be explained by
the fact that the broad promontory on which the castle of Fenouillet
is built, could only be defended with the assistance of the people
of Castrum. Given the small size of the royal garrisons assigned
to monitor the border, it was more reasonable to modernised and
strengthen a castle of a more manageable size.
Arrow loop at the Château Saint-Pierre
de Fenouillet (exterior)
Path to the Château Saint-Pierre
de Fenouillet
signposted in Catalan
The castle is protected on its eastern and western sides by high
cliffs. Beyond the buildings, the relief extends into a long ridge,
down to a second line of defence forming a north and difficult access
space of about 2.5 to 3 hectares. The fortress of the coast defended
by a powerful household in the rock pit . On its southern side ,
the least remnants of walls and habitats thrive in an arc to the
first houses of the present hamlet.
The ruins cover about 10,000 m2 of which nearly 1500 m2 are occupied
by the castrum. Although badly damaged, the site displays all the
characteristics of a local castrum, in which villager houses, fortification
and an aristocratic residence are closely intertwined.
Despite the damage, the power of the defence system protecting
access to viscount's castle is still noticeable. It is divided into
three levels:
The first wall is backs onto the houses the current village. The
main door of the castrum , lay to the East.
The second wall lays in the middle of the slope. Its central part,
the best preserved, has a relatively complex arrangement. It consists
of several elements built at different times. The oldest part is
the base of a building has an elevation significantly higher, consisting
of large blocks roughly squared, and noticeable different from other
ramparts. This second line of defence opened access to the castle
by a gate of which the base remains.
Beyond the second wall, the medieval remains are buried under two
long terraces. This space is dominated by the castle which occupies
the summit of the promontory. The castle ruins are part of a triangle.
The southern side is bounded by a wall which stood in the centre,
by a barbican. This is a beautiful solid rectangular building. The
quoins are of yellow-ocher limestone, perfectly cut. The tower is
defended by three arrow loops covering the path leading to the entrance
gate, located on the west side, a typical device in the region,
where most of the castle entrance-porches are arranged frontally.
The central area of the castle is occupied by a large flat terrace
of nearly 150 M2 dominated the north by the rectangular tower remains,
with very thick walls. It extends to the east up to the ruins of
the castle church. It features a typical nave with two bays opening
onto a semi-circular apse. Elevations have disappeared and only
the base of north wall remains.
Projecting from the southern wall, Southwest of the castle, are
the remains of a rectangular building. To the north are the remains
of a quadrangular building, almost completely buried . It shows
the trace of a postern opening on one of the few crossing points
between the castle and the long ridge that develops beyond.
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
- distinctive sandstone cornerstones
Bugarach seen from Château Saint-Pierre
de Fenouillet
The Municipality of Fenouillet (70 inhabitants) , decided in 1994,
to launch a study of the Castle of St. Peter. Stratigraphic surveys
revealed rich archaeological potential.
The Ava association Fenouillet , annually hosts a supervised by
a professional archaeological team, reinforced by scientific collaborators.
Ceramics, coins, bronze and iron objects, food, coal, seeds, are
carefully studied to reconstruct the everyday and the surroundings
of Château Saint Pierre in the Middle Ages.
Studies of charcoal found in the levels of the first half of the
XIII century shows a change in vegetation indicating increased population
pressure on the environment. From an architectural point of view,
the residential areas were extended at this time. The defensive
side of the fortress was developed: the barbican was built on the
site of the original gate. Lines of walled terracing were developed
to form a chicane.
The keep is large, with thick walls. Excavations carried out in
this building have, among others, revealed for the first half of
the thirteenth century, traces of intense aristocratic and military
occupation related to levels of soil and embankments particularly
rich. A large amount of iron items, mostly crossbow, was found associated
with a unique set of elements in gilded bronze decorations of clothing
or furniture, sometimes hit a heraldic symbol , including weapons
family FENOUILLET (chequered gold and blue ) .
Many méreaux were discovered, also with heraldic representations.
The remains of meals , mainly animal bones and fish bones, are also
characteristic of a noble table, in particular, the presence of
remnants of bear paws, probably corresponding to seigneurial dues
Maso, David, Vivre et Résister à Fenouillet, Histoire
et images medievales thematique N°1 : Cathares : Lieux de vie
et d'exil
Cazes, J-P., Maso, D, Les conséquences de la croisade sur
les forteresses seigneuriales, l'apport de I'archéologie
: Termes, Fenouillet, Montaillou
Actes du Colloque du Centre d'Études Cathares Carcassonne,
4, 5 et 6 octobre 2002. Editions du Centre d'Études Cathares,
Carcassonne, 2004.
Bayrou L, Le château de Sabarda, Études roussillonnaises,
Tome VIII, 1988 pp 178 - 192
Bayrou L, Entre Languedoc et Roussillon, 1258-1659. Fortifier une
frontière ? Les Amies du Vieux Canet, 2004, 447 p.
Labrot, J "Les méreaux languedociens de la croisade
albigeoise" Moyen Age, 29, juillet -août, 2002, pp 52-57
Ponsich, P, Le comte de Razès des temps carolingiens au
traite de Corbeil, Etudes Roussillonnaises, t 9, 1989, pp 33-54
de Pous, A, Le pays et la vicomte féodale de Fenolledes
(du VIIIe au XIVe siècle), Ed. Roudil, 1973
Sagnes, J, (dir) Le Pays Catalan, SNERD, Pau, 1985, t 2.

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the Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
seen from Castle Sabarda
Notre Dame de Laval seen from the Château
Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
the Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
seen from Castle Sabarda
Layout of Castle Sabarda, Saint-Pierre de
Fenouillet and Castel Fizel
The keep of the Château Saint-Pierre
de Fenouillet
Inside the keep of the Château Saint-Pierre
de Fenouillet
Castle Sabarda seen from the Château
Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Castle Sabarda
seen from the Château Saint-Pierre de Fenouillet
Small sign marking the track to Castle Sabarda
If you are looking for the way to Castle
Sabarda, ignore these annoying vulgarian no-entry signs (they
are deliberately misleading and apply to the land on the side
of the track)
Castle Sabarda
Castle Sabarda
Castle Sabarda
Castle Sabarda
Castle Sabarda
Castle Sabarda
Interior of the Castle Sabarda