Castle of Biron
The Château de Biron is a castle in the French commune of
Biron in the valley of the Lède, a tributary of the Lot River
in the département of Dordogne in Périgord, part of
the Aquitaine. Biron was held by Cathars in 1211 and taken by Simon
IV de Montfort the following year.
Agen had belonged to the Kings of England and Richard I had given
it to the Count of Toulouse as a dowery for Richard's sister Jeanne
(or Joanna) of England when Richard married her to Raymond VI. The
Plantagenets held it again at times during the 14th and 15th century,
but it finnished up as part of France along with the other territories
of the Counts of Toulouse. Biron was erected as a duché-pairie
in 1598, for Charles de Gontaut, created duc de Biron.
The present château bears additions over the centuries that
make it a picturesque ensemble: a twelfth century keep, sixteenth-century
living quarters, a chapel and vaulted kitchens. The commune purchased
the Château de Biron in 1978, with a view to restoring the
structure as a tourist draw. Since 1928, the Château de Biron
has been listed as a monument historique by the French Ministry
of Culture.
Address: Château de Biron Biron 24540 Dordogne France
Address: Château de Biron Biron 24540 Dordogne France
Contact Cathar Country Tours Telephone from the UK: 00 33 468 201142 Telephone from the US: 010 33 468 201142 Telephone from France: 0468 201142 Telephone from other countries: +33 (0)468 201142
Website: http://www.catharcountry.info e-mail: contact@catharcountry.info
Google Maps
Small scale map showing the location of Château de Biron |
Google map showing the location of Château de Biron |
Large scale map showing Château de Biron |
Capture of Biron in 1212
Martin Algai had acquired the Château of Biron by marriage
to a daughter of Henry of Gontaud. He had joined Simon de Montfort's
Crusader army but had then deserted them at Castelnaudry in 1211.
The following year Simon took his revenge for this desertion by
killing him in a manner regarded as particularly shameful, and reserved
for those considered guilty of treason.
From the Historia, 337
After capturing and fortifying Penne [d'Agenais] the Count decided
to lay siege to the neighbouring castrum named Biron. This place
had been given by the Count of Toulouse to the traitor Martin
Algai who (as recorded earlier) had at one time sided with our
Count but later deserted him in an act of treason. He was
staying in Biron and decided to await our forces' arrival there;
what happened subsequently showed that his decision was ordained
by a just judgement of God. Our men reached the place and started
to besiege it. They then mounted an attack and after great efforts
and a remarkable display of courage climbed the walls and seized
the bourg. Their opponents at once retired to the castle, but
realised they would not be able to hold out and sought to make
peace, on the basis that they would hand over the castle so long
as they themselves were allowed to escape with their lives. In
no way did the Count wish this to happen. Indeed, he feared that
the traitor Martin Algai might escape in secret, and since his
main objective in starting the siege had been to secure Martin's
capture he offered to free his adversaries from the threat of
death if they would surrender the traitor to him. They eagerly
assented to this proposal, seized Martin and handed him over to
the Count. On taking him the Count offered him the opportunity
to confess his sins such had been his practice, as a good Catholic,
in dealing with other condemned men. He then had him tied to a
horse and dragged through the army and finally hanged from a gibbet
a fate in keeping with his crimes.
|[Translation by WA &MD Sibly, The History of the Albigensian
The Canso (Laisse 116) added a few details such as that
the Crusaders bore an Oriflamme (the flag of the King of France)
and that the fief was subsequently handed over to Sir Arnold of
Montaigu by Simon de Montfort.
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