Château de Marmande (
Castèl de Marmanda)
Marmande was a bastide founded about 1195 on the site of a more
ancient town by King
Richard I (Coeur de Lion or Lionheart). It had passed into
the hands of the counts of Toulouse, and was besieged three times
during the Cathar crusades.
Prince Louis (the future King Louis) arrived with 20 bishops, 30
counts, 600 knights and 10,000 foot soldiers, having joined the
army of the Pope's legate Abbott Arnaud Amaury. The city of
some 7000 people fell after the first assault, and was sacked. The
victors held a council and decided to follow Old Testament teaching
- that men, women, old people and children should be executed. The
massacre that followed shocked even the crusaders' own allies.
Today nothing remains of the chateau here and very little of the
city walls.
See separate sections below on:
Address / Maps
/ Location
Key Dates
James McDonald
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Small scale map showing the location of Château de Marmande |
Google map showing the location of Château de Marmande |
Large scale map showing Château de Marmande |
Marmande (in Occitan, Marmanda) is a commune in the Lot-et-Garonne
department in south-western France.
The Taking of Marmande by the future Louis
VIII during the Albigensian Crusade. Guilhem de Tudèle,
Chanson de la Croisade des Albigeois, early 13 century (BNF,
Manuscrit français 25425 fol. 231)
In June 1219, the town had already been besieged for weeks by Amaury
de Montfort when
Louis, the king's son, Louis, arrived. Louis had been in England
- and well on the way to winning the throne of England - largely
at the invitation of the barons who had had enough of King
John. But when John died suddenly in October 1216, the incomparable
William Marshal stepped in as Regent for the infant King
of England, Henry III. Not even kings relished the prospect
of facing William Marshal and the whole purpose of Louis' presence
in England was now gone. The young Louis was wise enough to make
peace with and withdraw after a couple of quick but severe thumpings
at the hands of Marshal.
Now Louis was in the Languedoc, a much better prospect for plunder
having been exhausted by years of war waged by the French Catholic
armies. He arrived with 20 bishops, 30 counts, 600 knights and 10,000
foot soldiers.
The city of some 7000 people fell after the first assault, and
was sacked. The massacre that followed shocked even the crusaders'
own allies. Here is a contemporary account from the Song
of the Cathar Wars (laisse 212):
E comensal martiris el chaplamens
Quels baros e la donas e los efans menutz
Els homes e las femnas, totz despulhatz e nutz,
Detrencan e detalhan am los brans esmolutz;
Ela carns e lo sancs e los cervels els brucz
E membres e personas maitadatz e fendutz
E fetges e coradas decebratz e romputz
Estan per meg las plassas, co si eran plogutz,
Car de lo sanc espars qui lai s'es espandutz
Es la terra vermelha el sols e la palutz,
No i remas hom ni femna ni joves ni canutz.
Ni nulha creatura, si no s'es rescondutz.
La vila es destruita e lo focs escendutz.
Apres no tarzec gaire que lo reis es mogutz
per venir a Tholoza.
…terror and massacre began;
Lords, ladies and their little children,
Men and women stripped naked,
All were slashed and cut to shreds by keen edged
Flesh, blood, brains, torsos,
Limbs and faces hacked in two;
Lungs, livers and guts torn out and thrown away -
Laying on the open ground
As if they had rained down from the heavens.
Marshland and firm ground, all was red with blood.
Not a man or woman was left alive, neither young nor old,
No living creature, except perhaps some well-hidden infant.
Marmond was razed and set alight
Very soon afterwards the king [Louis] left
for Toulouse.
Some Key Dates
726 — Saracens invasion.
844 — Norman invasion
End of the IX th Century — a castrum is built on the site
of the present jardin du château.
Xth Century — a château is built in wood
1050 — a new château is built in stone « la mirmande
1182 — Richard the Lionheart, duck of Aquitaine accords a
Charter of Customs to Marmande
1219 — During the Albigensian Crusade the town is burned
and partly raised by Catholic Crusader troops led by de Montfort.
Between1271 and 1442 oscillates between being English and French
1324 — 1386: Construction of the second enceinte at Marmande.
1414 — Le King of France Charles VI, accords to Marmande
the three fleurs de lys borne in chief on the arms of the town of
Marmande for its fidelity to the French Crown during the Hundred
Years’ War.
1442 — Marmande becomes definitively French
1548 — The inhabitants rebel (regretting their earlier decision)
resenting oppressive salt taxes.( la Gabelle).
1561 and 1569 During the Wars of Religion the Huguenots, burn down
the Fransiscan Friary and kill some of the Friars.
1576 and 1577 : the future Henri IV besieges Marmande.
1777 — the city walls are demolished.
1792 — The Countess of Marcellus is guillotined at Marmande
“to set an example”
You can join small exclusive guided tours of Cathar Castles
led by an English speaking expert on the Cathars
who lives in the Languedoc
(author of www.cathar.info)
Selected Cathar Castles. Accommodation provided. Transport
Cathar Origins, History, Beliefs.
The Crusade, The Inquisition, and Consequences
the Cathar Tours Website for more information